System Operator
Our purpose as the System Operator is to make sure the network operates as one – seamless and high performing.
We do this by working as a partner across the railway to support the delivery of high levels of safe and efficient operational performance – contributing to an excellent experience for passengers, freight and our customers.
Our focus is on improving what the network is capable of by planning for the future; providing high quality analysis and advice; producing the timetable; and managing industry wide relationships.
How we are performing
Periodic reports and scorecards
Holding us to account
Acting on behalf of the whole network means making challenging decisions. These may sometimes conflict with the wishes of one of Network Rail’s regions, a funder’s aspiration, or an operator’s business proposal.
Our aim is to be transparent in our decision making and welcome scrutiny.
Independent Advisory Board
‘The Advisory Board’ will hold the System Operator to account, for the development and delivery of its business plan on behalf of funders, customers and end users.

Activities include:
- Ongoing consideration of our overall performance, priorities, risks, opportunities, plans and funding, capabilities and incentives
- Monitoring delivery through scorecards and customer surveys
- Promoting openness, transparency and scrutiny of our work