
As a public sector organisation, it’s important to us that we’re transparent and accurate in accounting for our financial performance

In this section you can find some key documents about our finances, from our financial results and performance to the way we pay bonuses to our staff. Find out how we’re funded.

Annual report – latest financial statements

Take a look at our full financial statements and notes from our most recent annual report. Plus a review of our financial performance by chief financial officer Jeremy Westlake.

Regulatory financial statements

Under the terms of condition nine of its network licence, Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (NRIL) has to provide annual financial performance information to the Office of Rail and Road (ORR). The information is designed to be relevant to ORR and other persons for the assessment of access charges. And also to allow the financial performance of NRIL to be monitored against the determination assumptions. This information must be set out in annual financial statements in accordance with regulatory accounting guidelines issued by ORR. The financial statements include an independent auditor’s report. They are also accompanied by a statement from the directors of NRIL certifying that the company has adequate resources to carry out its functions.

Statement from independent auditor

An audit does not provide assurance on the maintenance and integrity of the website, including controls used to achieve this. And in particular on whether any changes may have occurred to the regulatory financial statements since first published. These matters are the responsibility of the directors of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited/the ORR. But no control procedures can provide absolute assurance in this area. Legislation in the United Kingdom which governs the preparation and dissemination of regulatory financial statements differs from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Network Rail incentive plans

All employees have the opportunity to share in Network Rail’s success. Here you can find details of the ways in which we identify performance and the potential awards for employees at all levels of the organisation.

More publications related to our finances and administration can be found in our main publications section.