Annual report and accounts

Our Annual Report and Accounts outlines our performance during 2022/2023.

For our railway the last year will be remembered for one issue almost exclusively, strikes.

The period of industrial action at Network Rail was deeply bruising, not only for our relationships with colleagues, but for our passengers and freight customers right across Britain.

Now, a new chapter lies ahead and it is our shared responsibility to heal from this period of industrial action to build a stronger, more resilient and safer business. At all levels across Network Rail, we are working to strengthen relationships and build better engagement with colleagues. This will be one of Network Rail’s most important journeys yet, and I am excited to get going.

While last year certainly had its challenges, we should also celebrate some outstanding achievements by Network Rail colleagues. Delivering the Elizabeth line alongside Transport for London, the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham and our response following the death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II are each moments we can be proud of. As I look towards the future, I know there will be many other stand out moments where colleagues across the railway rise to meet such enormous challenges.

Andrew Haines, chief executive

Our Annual Report 2023

Annual reports archive

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