Who our board is accountable to
Our board is accountable to a number of different parties in demonstrating good running of the company.
The Office of Rail and Road, which determines the income we receive from government and the outputs we must achieve during each five-year control period. The board is also accountable to the Office of Rail and Road for our health and safety performance for management of the network consistent with our network licence.
Parliament – our chief executive Sir Andrew Haines is personally accountable to Parliament for Network Rail’s stewardship of the public funding it receives. This includes following the principles, rules, guidance and advice set out by government in Managing public money, available from GOV.UK.
The Secretary of State for Transport, as regards the board’s leadership and management of the business.
In addition, the board is responsible for running Network Rail to the standards required of a company with shares listed on the London Stock Exchange, including compliance with governance codes and reporting requirements.
Our boards have a number of different key responsibilities as part of ensuring effective compliance and operations for the company.