Q and A with a female computer engineer

Q and A with a female computer engineer

Published 4 October 2024 | Average read time
4 min read
Stories Life at Network Rail

Meet Shabana, a system and application professional at Network Rail. Find out how she’s helping us give you a more efficient, more reliable and a modern railway by building smarter programmes, apps and sites.

Describe a typical day

It can vary a lot but usually I’m developing bits of code that improve our online systems. Coding – also known as computer programming – is how we communicate with computers and tell them what to do.

I sometimes create code that helps automate some of the online processes our teams rely on. Automation helps our business work more efficiently and more accurately by removing the opportunity of people making mistakes.  

I also help develop apps and sites that help our colleagues work smarter. These apps and sites are usually tailored to the specific needs of the team.

How does your work help passengers?

My work helps our passengers by helping the business and our people work better with the aid of smarter, more efficient and more accurate tech. Tech is vital to much of our work so helping it work better helps the railway work better.

For example, I’m currently exploring ways to develop a site for a new system that ensures all information and training videos are easily accessible. It provides users with the right resources to do their jobs more efficiently. This training helps our colleagues maintain and develop our railway for you.

Why is tech so important to the railway?

So much of what we do uses tech and in the rail industry tech can help us become more advanced and more efficient.

For example, we’re already using advanced tech to help inspect our track and lineside. This helps us find and fix issues faster so that we can keep our railway running smoothly for you.

Adapting and incorporating smarter technology like artificial intelligence into our work will enable a modern railway and better journeys for you.

What’s been your biggest achievement?

I’m really proud of an app I recently created that manages all the past, current and future projects we have across the business. We were initially using a different app from an outside developer that was quite costly. Creating the app ourselves helped save money which we can then invest elsewhere.

I’m proud of the skills and learning I took on for the app and the benefit it will bring the company.

What’s the biggest challenge in your role?

I don’t really see it as a challenge, but I am constantly learning in this role. There’s a lot of creativity and learning that goes into developing unique and tailored apps for our business. Something new always comes up and this role keeps me on my toes – I love it.

Can you describe your experience at Network Rail?

It’s been amazing. Everyone is so supportive of my career and managing my work/life balance.

For example, I’m currently studying for a master’s degree in computer science in addition to my day job. Network Rail has been great at offering me the flexibility I need to fit it in. 

My manager has also been so supportive in helping me gain the skills needed to advance my career. Words can’t describe how great my experience has been.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I’m happy where I am but I would love to advance to a more senior/leadership role at Network Rail – still in the tech space. There’s so much potential for applying tech to the railway and I want to be involved.

What advice would you give someone looking for a similar career?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed on your own journey, remember to pause, take a deep breath, and approach each step at a time.

Celebrate the small wins in tech because it’s always evolving, and it will help you keep motivated and driven.

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