“I wanted a job that helped make a difference to people’s lives.”

“I wanted a job that helped make a difference to people’s lives.”

Published 23 August 2018 | Average read time
2 min read
Stories Life at Network Rail

Shannon joined our apprenticeship scheme three years ago after spotting an opportunity to study while pursuing a varied career.

She’s one of more than 1,000 apprentices learning new skills from expert trainers at one of Britain’s biggest employers.

Engineering apprenticeships

We’ve just opened our application process for aspiring engineers looking to start their training next spring.

We pay apprentices and provide them with an opportunity to gain qualifications during their training. Over three career-advancing years they gain skills to set them up for the rest of their working lives and gain chartered membership of a professional engineering institute.

Apprentices spend their first 21 weeks living and learning at Westwood, our training centre in the Midlands. They spend the rest of the scheme working from a depot close to home.

Millions of people use our railway every day. The vital work by our apprentices helps keep them safe and reliable as they travel across Britain.

Our training centre at Westwood and Network Rail apprentices

Professional services apprenticeships

Our apprentices don’t just work in engineering – they train in a wide range of essential corporate functions. These include areas such as finance, digital, cyber security, business administration and customers service.

Each apprenticeship operates differently depending on the type of course – residential, block release or day release – the provider and its location. Lengths also vary from a minimum of a year to four or five years.

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