Green commitments at our railway stations

Green commitments at our railway stations

Published 16 July 2019 | Average read time
2 min read
Stories Environment Industry-leading

Passengers at Britain’s biggest and busiest stations can now shop more sustainably thanks to a new initiative from Network Rail.

We have introduced a scheme that will highlight greener retailers to passengers, who can now look out for a sustainability seal of approval in retail windows.

This follows our commitments in 2018 to:

  • Ban retailers from supplying plastic cutlery and cups in managed stations by the end of 2020
  • Implement a coffee cup recycling scheme for managed stations by the end of 2020
  • Expand the roll out of coffee ground recycling to all managed stations by the end of 2020

Just one year on and half of all managed station retailers have stopped supplying plastic cups and cutlery and 74% of Network Rail’s managed stations now recycle coffee grounds.

Glasgow Central station shops

While trials are underway to find a suitable system for recycling coffee cups, the organisation is achieving a 73% average recycling rate in their managed stations, with 99% of waste diverted from landfill.

The progress made against these commitments is part of Network Rail’s ongoing environmental efforts and ambition to be a market leader in sustainability. As one of the Britain’s largest retail landlords, Network Rail is using its position to encourage the adoption of green initiatives for the benefit of passengers and the environment.

Andrew Haines, chief executive of Network Rail, said:We are committed to making stations greener and as part of that commitment, we want to be transparent about sustainable practices in our stations.

“We have put passengers and their values at the heart of this new scheme and hope that the seal of approval will go some way to making it easier for them to shop sustainably in our stations.”

The positive environmental impact of the railway