Delays explained – flooding
Published 5 August 2021 | Average read time
1 min read
Stories Delays explained Living by the railway

Very wet weather can significantly impact the railway, causing flooding and disrupting your train services.

When this happens, our engineers work determinedly night and day to keep the railway open for your train services.

Watch this video to find out more:

What happens when we get flooding on the railway?

  • Heavy rain can overwhelm drainage systems, flooding tracks and slowing down trains. 
  • Water runs off hard ground onto the tracks, while ballast can wash away, de-stabilising the track. 
  • Heavy rain can also short-circuit power supplies for trains and cause signalling equipment to fail. 
  • To reduce the effects of flooding, we monitor weather forecasts and prepare flood maintenance teams for action. 
  • We install pumping stations in areas prone to flooding and deploy flood defences to protect the track. 
  • We keep drainage clear of blockages from vegetation and debris  and install new tracks and lineside equipment at higher levels. 

We appreciate delays and cancellations are frustrating. Thank you for your patience while we get your services running safely. 

Read more:

Video: Delays explained – landslips

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