Celebrating International Day of Families

Celebrating International Day of Families

Published 15 May 2024 | Average read time
3 min read
Stories Life at Network Rail

We’re celebrating the 30th anniversary of International Day of Families. At Network Rail we recognise the importance of supporting working families all year round.

We recognise it’s not easy to leave family roles and responsibilities at the door when you come to work.

That’s why we’re committed to creating a work environment that supports all types of families; with some help from our company policies and Family Focus – one of our volunteer-led employee networks.

A flexible working policy

Our flexible working policy, for example, helps us embrace flexible working so our staff can balance their work and family or home life better. Flexible working arrangements we can offer include job shares, part-time work and working at home.

Anyone can request flexible working, regardless of when they joined us, or their seniority of position, or even their reasons for asking.

With the help of Family Focus we’ve this April updated the policy to give our staff the opportunity to make two – instead of one – flexible working requests within a 12-month period.

Family Focus – the network that centres families

Family Focus is our dedicated employee network that helps us support working families of every shape and size. This includes single-parent families, same-sex parents, those without children and those starting their journey to have children.

It also gives a voice and informal support system for our colleagues in all family-related matters. Anyone can go to them for help, whether it’s for a friendly ear or solid, practical guidance.

The Family Focus community is made up of over 1,000 members and led by a leadership team of 25 colleagues who give support alongside their day jobs. We work closely together to ensure Network Rail is a diverse and inclusive place to work.

Lucy Gray, the social media manager at Network Rail and the insights lead for Family Focus, said: “As a working mum, I’ve found Family Focus to be hugely helpful for the numerous hats I have on at work and at home. I’m proud to be involved in listening to what my colleagues need to make Network Rail a more inclusive and supportive place for families.”

We’re committed to giving equal opportunities to everyone regardless of their family dynamics. This in turn will help us put our passengers at first by having a workplace that better reflects the people and the families we serve.

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