Become a Network Rail apprentice

Become a Network Rail apprentice

Published 12 October 2021 | Average read time
1 min read
Stories Life at Network Rail Stories

We’re now accepting applications for three of our apprenticeship schemes.

As an apprentice at Network Rail, you’ll get more than just an education. Our apprentices receive expert training, earn while they learn and develop skills for life. What’s more, you’ll have the opportunity to build a career at one of Britain’s biggest employers.

What apprenticeships do we offer?

We’ve just opened applications for three schemes, with more on the way:

Hear why Keneefia Parker, a level three engineering apprentice, loves her job on the railway:

Gallery: Westwood, our training centre for level three engineering apprentices

Watch this film to hear what makes engineering such an exciting and rewarding career:

Hear more from our apprentices:

Read more:

Find out more about our apprenticeship scheme, including salary and benefits

Careers at Network Rail

FAQ about our apprenticeship scheme

Apprenticeships into careers

Life at Network Rail