Electronic national rail timetable

The electronic National Rail Timetable (eNRT) is a long-term timetable for passengers and planners that covers services on the national rail network. It is published in December (Principal) and May (Subsidiary) each year.

The December 2024 timetable will be in operation from Sunday 15th December 2024 until Saturday 17th May 2025.

The team are still receiving feedback from users so please provide any comments or issues to the following mailbox NRT-WTT@networkrail.co.uk.

All timetables are split into routes. Check which route your station is on using the stations index below.

Download timetable

Route timetables

Please note: you can preview or download documents within the folders by clicking in the options column of the required document.

Supporting index documents

Table maps

Our online map is in the process of being updated to match the new table routes and numbers and we aim to have this available to users for the December 24 NRT. The table information within the map is reflective of the May 21 tables and can be used in conjunction with the ‘Table Number Comparison’ file.

Other supporting documents

To feedback or comment on timetables please email NRT-WTT@networkrail.co.uk.