Construction, design and management

The majority of our day to day work involves construction activities; either to keep the trains running or delivering our Railway upgrade plan to make Britain’s railway better

We put safety first in everything we do, and especially as we begin any new works on the railway. Operating the railway is only one part of the work we do for you. Construction is the most dangerous industry in Britain, and when we add trains into the mix, the danger only increases.

One important set of legislation that helps us deliver is the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. It applies to all construction work – from the extension to your house, to the redevelopment of London Bridge station. The CDM regulations are simple and require us all to:

  1. Provide the right information, to the right people at the right time.
  2. Establish a chain of responsibility throughout a change to the railway.

Industry leading

We take our role as the Client seriously – it is the reason for our very existence. We know that where we lead on health and safety and good management, all those that work with us will follow.When our management of design and construction is at its best, we eliminate the dangers, or manage them away from our workforce the public and our passengers.

In fact, we’ve created a website just to document our best practices and regulations, for those within the organisation, and those we work with. It’s called Safety Central, and you’ll find much more in depth information about how hard we work to prevent hazards and risks before the first foot is placed on site.

For even more background on these regulations and the thinking behind them, you can visit the Construction Industry Training Board or the Health and Safety Executive.