Reigate station upgrade
We’re proposing a new, 12-car turn back platform at Reigate station.
This will provide greater capacity, a more reliable service and improved connections to Thameslink destinations in London and beyond.
The proposals are part of our long-term plans to run faster, more reliable services and improve connections across the region.
Our proposals
- Extend and widen existing platform 2
- Lay track to create new platform 3 to accommodate up to 12-car trains
- Power supply upgrades
- A larger, improved car park, new access roads and additional designated parking bays.
The benefits
Our proposals for Reigate station would deliver regional and local benefits. In the longer term our plans to unlock the railway bottleneck at Croydon provide the opportunity to significantly increase capacity and performance along the Brighton Main Line and its branch lines.
The proposals for Reigate form an important part of these longer-term plans.
Public drop-in events
In February 2020 we held six drop-in events to give passengers and the community the chance to view our proposals speak directly with the project team.
A total of 429 people provided feedback on our proposals. Passengers, residents and the community are supportive of the proposals, with 87 per cent of responses indicating support for the infrastructure proposals and 72 per cent of respondents indicating they are supportive of service alterations.
Some of the most common comments were:
- Concerns over the proposed service pattern presented
- Encouragement and support to complete the project as soon as possible
- Requests to improve ticket barriers/machines/ticket office
- The need for more information about the project
We have addressed the most commonly raised concerns in our feedback summary report below.
Managing impacts
We would work with train operators to run as full a service as possible through Reigate station during the proposed upgrade.
As we develop the detail of our proposals we will continue to engage with residents, businesses and passengers to make them aware of our proposals and the potential benefits.
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Contact us
For more information on our proposals you can email us at
You can also visit our contact us page or call our 24-hour national helpline on 03457 11 41 41 or you can contact us on Twitter at @NetworkRailSE