Sussex Railway Upgrade plan

We’re modernising the railway network to improve passenger journeys across Sussex.

The new concourse at Gatwick Airport station

Between 2024 – 2029  we’re investing £900m as part of our Sussex Railway Upgrades to modernise track, signalling, stations, structures and earthworks.

Key track upgrades will include rebuilding the busy Windmill Bridge Junction at Croydon and the junctions at Redhill.  We’ll replace the 1980s signalling on the Arun Valley Line and between Selhurst and East Croydon with the latest technology.  Work to shore up Victorian era embankments and cutting will take place across the route with key planned interventions to the Haywards Heath cutting and on the West London lines.

Signal icon

£119m on digital signalling

Railway track icon

£229m on tracks and junctions

Railway tunnel icon

£90m on replacing or refurbishing our structures

Train at station icon

£117m on buildings

Electrification and power supply icon

£106m on electrification and power supply improvements

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£99m on earth works

Track drainage icon

£31m on drainage improvements

Key projects

Brighton Main Line Improvement Project 2022  Over a 9-day closure from Saturday 19 to Sunday 27 February, Network Rail engineers battled Storm Eunice and Storm Franklin to deliver a £15 million investment across 30 worksites. ...
Victoria station – aerial view 1920 x 1280
We are delivering a major package of upgrades to modernise 1980s track and signalling on the South London lines into London Victoria. The upgrades will improve reliability on the network, helping even more passenger and...

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Contact us

For more information or to get in touch with us, please contact us by visiting our contact us page or by calling our 24-hour national helpline on 03457 11 41 41.