Midland Main Line Upgrade
We’re electrifying the Midland Main Line

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We’re working on the biggest programme of improvements to the line since its completion in 1870.
We are electrifying the line in sections over the next few years to allow electric trains to run along the full length of the line. This is because Network Rail and the UK Government want railways to be better for the environment and to be more cost effective for taxpayers. By electrifying the line we will be supporting the Government’s net zero carbon targets for 2050.
In 2021 we upgraded and electrified the route from London to Corby and we hope to build on this success in the next phase. The Kettering to Wigston section was electrified in 2024 ready for bi-mode trains to run in Summer 2025.
Find out more on the latest phases of work and how these might affect lineside neighbours by reading our Frequently Asked Questions. We’ll also be holding events in areas that may be impacted by work to electrify the line and writing directly to those who may be affected by the work.
Frequently asked questions
Transport and Works Act Order – Kettering to Wigston South Junction and Napsbury Lane
The Network Rail (Kettering to Wigston South Junction and Napsbury Lane) (Land Acquisition) Order (the “Order”) would confer powers of compulsory acquisition and temporary use of land on Network Rail for the purposes of works forming part of the wider Midland Main Line Electrification Project, which has already successfully electrified the route from London to Corby.
The phase of the programme to which the Order relates is to electrify and decarbonise the section of the line north of Kettering to Wigston South Junction. The Order would also provide for Network Rail to acquire rights of access to the electrified railway over a private road at Napsbury Lane, St Albans.
Network Rail submitted its Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) application for this Order to the Secretary of State for Transport on 12 November 2024. To view the TWAO application and all the plans and documents submitted with them please refer to our application documents below.
Any person who wishes to obtain a copy of the application or of any document that accompanied it may do so by applying to Network Rail by email to midlandmainline@networkrail.co.uk or by calling 03457 11 41 41.
Contact us
If you have any feedback about our work, please call our 24 hour helpline on 03457 11 41 41 or visit our contact page.