Switch it off at level crossings
We have teamed up with Greater Anglia and the community rail partnerships to encourage motorists to switch off their engines when waiting at level crossings.
You may think that because you don’t have to wait long at level crossings, that the amount of exhaust your vehicle produces in that time is negligible – but sadly that’s not the case.
We’re urging all drivers to consider the effect their exhaust is having on those around them and #SwitchItOffAtLevelCrossings

Vehicle engines idling whilst waiting at level crossings are unpleasant for those living nearby in terms of air pollution and noise.
An idling engine can produce up to twice the emissions of a car in motion, churning out sulphur dioxide, particulate matter and nitrogen oxide.
Did you know?
Stationary idling is an offence under section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, which carries a fine, and is thought to contribute to asthma, heart disease and even lung cancer and has a negative effect on the environment by contributing to poor air quality.
Help us spread the message!
We’ve produced car stickers which are available from staffed stations and you can download this poster to display in your window or on parish notice boards.
Download the #SwitchItOffAtLevelCrossings poster (PDF 690 KB)
Our partners

Wherry Lines

The New River Line

Hereward Community Rail Partnership

The East Suffolk Lines

The Bittern Line

Essex and South Suffolk Community Rail Partnership

Greater Anglia