Keeping our communities safe in Anglia
Keeping people safe on and around the railway is at the heart of everything we do
We care about making sure our communities understand how to stay safe. We have a responsibility to inform and educate, as although we have one of the safest rail networks in Europe, serious or fatal accidents or near misses with trains still occur.

In the Anglia Route, we run a range of initiatives to encourage people to behave safely around the railway.
Young people
We want young people to use the railway and travel sustainably. We aim to equip young people with knowledge and skills for safe, confident travel.
Primary school aged children can watch our video “Keeping Safe Around the Railway” to learn about safety at stations and level crossings and about why we always keep away from the railway tracks.
Primary school aged children can learn about level crossing safety by watching our Safety Rap film below and doing the activities on our level crossing safety worksheet.
Our Community Safety Manager delivers rail safety presentations and workshops to schools, community groups and Crucial Crew/ Junior Citizens schemes. If you are interested in hosting a Network Rail safety presentation or workshop, please contact The service is free of charge. We can adapt our delivery to meet your requirements.
We also provides the following resources:
- Children can learn railway safety awareness from a young age with our book, Stay Safe with Thomas.
- Primary and Secondary Schools can use our educational resources.
In the Anglia Route, we promote the You vs. Train campaign to reduce trespass on the railway. We reach out to schools, local businesses and community groups to help us raise awareness about the dangers of trespass.
You vs. Train is aimed at young people over the age of 11. Primary school aged children can join the Track Pack to learn about the dangers of trespass at Kids’ radio station Fun Kids is hosting animations, podcasts and activities.
Level crossings
There are 778 level crossings in Anglia Route. We run events at level crossings to promote safety awareness. We provide information to help communities understand how to use level crossings safely.
We have produced these infographic leaflets to promote level crossing safety without the use of words, which we hope will help people in our communities who don’t read English.
Downloadable leaflets

In support of our national programme, we also help promote our level crossing safety campaigns.
If you want to find out more about community safety in Anglia, contact
Switch it off at level crossings
We have teamed up with Greater Anglia and the community rail partnerships to encourage motorists to switch off their engines when waiting at level crossings. Find out more on our #SwitchItOffAtLevelCrossings campaign page.