Suffolk level crossing Reduction Order

Suffolk level crossings included in the Anglia level crossing proposals

Full detail of the powers granted and a copy of the Secretary of State’s report can be found on GOV.UK website.

The following level crossings were included in the proposal we submitted to the Secretary of State for Transport. We have now received a decision granting us the powers to modify or close 9 of the 22 level crossings.

Powers granted

The Secretary of State for Transport has granted us the powers to close or modify the following crossings:

  • Abbotts – IP23 8DN
  • Cow Pasture Lane* – IP23 8EF
  • Gislingham – IP14 4HX
  • Gooderhams – IP14 4HH
  • Hawk End Lane – IP30 9ED
  • Island – IP9 2LP
  • Leggetts – IP14 4EY
  • Lords No.29 – IP30 9UD
  • Paynes – IP23 8JE

*Cowpasture Lane is being legally downgraded from a Byway Open to All Traffic to a Public Bridleway. Mounting blocks will be provided to assist equestrians.

Gooderhams, Leggetts, and Abbotts crossings will be closed to the public once the Transport and Works Act Order comes into force. This date will be confirmed in the Order published by the Secretary of State. Users will be directed to use existing alternative routes. Signage will be provided where necessary.

Diversionary routes

Abbotts, IP23 8DN

Access across the railway is available at Rectory Road and Mellis public road level crossings.

Gooderhams, IP14 4HH

Access across the railway is available at Cow Creek level crossing, which is at the end of Kerrys Farm Lane.

Leggetts, IP14 4EY

Access across the railway is still available via Wassicks level crossing, south of Leggetts level crossing. This crossing is at the intersection of Wassicks Lane and Footpath 062, Old Newton Footpath 048 with Dogworth Haughley.

Powers not granted

The Secretary of State for Transport has not granted us the powers for the following crossings that were in our application:

  • Bacton – IP14 4NS
  • Barrels – IP31 3RJ
  • Brantham High Bridge – CO11 1PL
  • Buxton Wood – IP9 2DB
  • Cattishall – IP31 2QU
  • Fords Green – IP14 4HN
  • Grove Farm – IP31 3SF
  • Higham – IP28 6NJ
  • Higham Ground Frame – IP28 6NS
  • Mutton Hall – IP14 3LS
  • Sea Wall – CO11 1NL
  • Stacpool – IP6 8LJ
  • Weatherby – CB8 8BT

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Contact us

If you have any questions about the project or concerns about the work being delivered, please visit our contact us page or call us directly via our 24/7 national helpline on 0345 711 4141.