Our routes

We run the company through devolved route businesses that understand how to meet customers’ needs.

Our route businesses are part of our corporate structure. They’re not necessarily the same as the routes passengers will recognise from their journeys and often look quite different from them. More broadly, our regions encompass multiple routes and transport hubs to better align operations with passengers’ and communities’ needs.

Our structure enables us to be more responsive to the needs of train operators, passengers and freight users by bringing our people closer to those we serve.

We have 14 routes which are supported by five Network Rail regions, each led by a managing director. The five Network Rail regions are EasternNorth West & CentralScotland’s RailwaySouthern and Wales & Western. These five regions were formed in June 2019 and have the budget and capability to take on more responsibility from other parts of the business.

The routes are responsible for operations, maintenance and minor renewals, including the day-to-day delivery of train performance and the relationship with their local train operating companies.

Each of these routes is run locally so that we can work more closely with the relevant train and freight operating companies to better meet the needs of passengers and businesses.

Our routes operate, maintain and renew infrastructure to deliver a safe and reliable railway for passengers and freight customers.

Our targets and priorities are now agreed jointly with train operators, meaning performance incentives for all of Network Rail’s staff are aligned to the needs of customers.

We also support the routes with national services and functions that help to keep our railway running safely and efficiently.

Find up-to-date information about each of our routes, including details of projects and latest news on our route pages below.