Putting passengers first

Network Rail is changing.

We’re becoming a company that is on the side of passengers and freight users; that is easy to engage with and is an efficient and dependable partner; a company people are proud to work for; instinctively recognised as an industry leader. 

We’ve already begun implementing major changes to make sure we’re embedding a customer service mindset, making it easier for our partners and suppliers across the industry to work with us.

We’re changing to make sure we deliver the best possible service to our passengers and freight customers.

What’s changed?

One of the biggest changes we’ve implemented is the formation of our new regions and routes in 2019.

Each region supports one or more routes.  A region plans and responds to what passengers want and need from the railway, where they are so – key decisions are no longer being made far away from the frontline. Less red tape, less bureaucracy – more improvements for passengers. Each region has its own Managing Director.

Within the regions are 14 new routes which deliver local operations, maintenance and renewals.  The routes are responsible for day to day delivery of train performance and work closely with local train operators.

As part of the changes, some centralised services and functions have been devolved to regions or routes enabling us to be more responsive to customers and passengers.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a significant and wide-reaching impact both on our country and our railway. As a result, we continue to identify opportunities for efficiencies and to improve how we work and what we deliver for passengers and freight users.

Here are some recent improvements for passengers…

Click on the map for more information about each region and its routes