Telecoms opportunities

Connecting people, businesses and communities

Network Rail offers a range of connectivity services to telecoms operators, internet service providers and local government seeking to deliver gigabit-capable broadband to businesses and local communities or to improve passengers’ connectivity.

Connecting people and businesses with gigabit broadband Trackside Connect Services

Our Trackside Connect Services provide large capacity bandwidth solutions which can support the expansion of local broadband networks. They allow interested parties to access robust and diverse connections and backhaul solutions with ultra-low latency, right across the Northern Powerhouse region.

Our 116kms of brand-new high-count fibre optic cable between Manchester and York is diversely routed within the rail corridor from traditional players.  Telecoms operators, internet service providers and other organisations can use it to lease dark and lit fibre to build their own network for unrestricted bandwidth or optical connections.

Customers can connect at the major internet data centres in Equinix, Manchester and aql, Leeds. Customers can also breakout from multiple points of presence along the full route, to meet local demand.

How Trackside Connect Services can make the difference

This is a brand-new way to provide full fibre connectivity in areas along the Transpennine route. The Northern Powerhouse is an area which needs to increase its access to full fibre to bring greater connectedness to rural areas and reduce the digital divide. Our trackside fibre is the most direct and protected fibre route across the region.  It’s well placed to enable better social and economic outcomes for local communities.

Why you should trust us

Here are just a few of the reasons why you should trust us for connectivity services:

  • We are one of the largest telecom network providers in the UK.
  • We operate a fair and supportive working model which gives customers control and flexibility.
  • We provide full, transparent whole-life prices upfront.
  • Our processes are easy to follow.

What we can provide you

  • Near perfect availability – Network Rail’s fibre network delivers >99.9999% availability
  • Experience and skills – Our team has the experience and skills necessary to provide you with the services you need

More Information

For more information please take a look at our brochure, or contact:

Lets connect everyone PDF screengrab icon
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport logo

Our fibre has been funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) as part of their Local Full Fibre Network (LFFN) programme.

This programme is designed to stimulate commercial investment in full fibre networks in both rural and urban locations across the whole of the UK. Funding for the programme is drawn from the National Productivity Investment Fund which has been allocated to DCMS.

Connecting people with improved passenger connectivity

Asset reuse

Network Rail is committed to collaborating with government and industry, on activities which deliver consistent and reliable mobile coverage along the rail corridor, enhancing passengers’ journeys and experience. Examples of our activities include:

Telecoms asset reuse PDF front cover