Freight site opportunities

There are hundreds of freight sites with connections to the rail network, as well as land in railway industry ownership with the potential for a new connection

Network Rail sites

We have a range of sites that might be suitable for your needs. To help you find the right one for you, please contact your senior route freight manager. The senior route freight manager can also put you in touch with our specialist property team, who can help you with buying or leasing our land.

Search through our available sites online

Freight operating company sites

You may choose to contact a freight operating company (FOC) directly to identify or procure a site for your needs.

Strategic freight sites

Use of a strategic freight site should be arranged with your designated freight haulier – we can provide further advice on how this process works:
David Clarke, surveyor, Waterloo General Office, London, SE1 8SW

Mountfield Deal

Site plans relating to the Mountfield deal to transfer ownership of many of Britain’s key rail freight sites to Network Rail. The deal was completed 31 October 2014.