Rent property

Network Rail has a fantastic portfolio of properties to rent in Britain from station retail, to railway arches and freight sites.

Station retail

With over 700 million passenger journeys made every year through our stations, our retail environment is thriving. Our strategy is to provide our passengers with a diverse selection of retail and food and beverage on the go that consistently meets the needs of their busy lifestyles.

All the income we generate from our commercial estate is reinvested back into the railway.

Station retail opportunities

Our specialist team manage retail in 19 of Britain’s largest, busiest and highest profile stations.

Our strategy for retail is to provide station users with great choices that meet their needs on a day-to-day basis. We work with over 150 brands to provide an eclectic mix of: food, drinks, fashion, gifting and services to support our customers’ busy lifestyles.

The demand for retail space in our stations is higher than the supply, so when units do become available we look at a range of options to support the current retail mix in that station.

Reiss store at London Bridge station

Details on the types of units and leases available can be found in our Retail partnership information pack (4MB PDF).

To register your interest, please read the information pack which provides guidelines on our minimum requirements and how to apply. You can contact us on

Business spaces

Network Rail Property provide inspiring commercial spaces for small and medium-sized businesses in Britain.

We manage over 2,000 properties in our commercial estate, helping businesses to grow and develop. Our team work hard to create unique and vibrant spaces that inspire the creativity of business owners.

We are driven by our commitment to support great ideas for our spaces and communities, wherever they come from. What we do doesn’t stop with our tenants. We want the communities surrounding our estate to thrive too, by creating spaces to meet, eat, entertain or simply enjoy on a journey home.

Bare Bones Chocolate at their arches in Glasgow

Freight sites

Network Rail Property manage several hundred freight sites in the UK with fantastic connections to the network and land in railway industry ownership with the potential for a new connection.

Network Rail property also manage a small portfolio of agreements for amenity land, consisting of:

  • Garden and amenity land
  • Temporary rights of access
  • Signs and advertising
  • Access and parking

Applications for private utilities, services or telecommunications infrastructure that crosses railway land should be referred to your nearest statutory provider.

To find out more, please call the team on 0800 916 8895.

Easements, wayleaves and telecoms

We grant and manage easements and wayleaves to third parties.

This includes statutory providers of utilities and telecom networks to run pipes and cables along, under or over our land.

Before you make an application

You will need to consult the route Asset Protection team. They provide advice and support to outside parties planning activities that interface with the rail network.

They are also the first point of contact if you wish to carry out repairs or maintenance to any existing facility under the terms of your existing agreement.

Meeting the needs of the railway

Our priority is always to meet the operational and safety needs of the railway. Before we can enter into an agreement, we must consider the potential effects of your proposal on the railway infrastructure.

The issue is one of practicality: how can we permit pipelines, cables and masts on, under or over the railway infrastructure while safeguarding the integrity of the railway. What may appear to be just a strip of land with two rail lines running along it is in fact a corridor of complex, tightly packed, high-tech communication infrastructure that cannot be disturbed.

Supporting documents

Contact us

For statutory, commercial, easements and wayleaves please email the team at:

For telecommunications email the team at: