Advertising on our property

Advertising on Network Rail property

With over 850 million passengers passing through our managed stations every year and 22 million railway neighbours, our properties offer a unique opportunity to reach a huge audience. There are a variety of different advertising opportunities in and around our stations. Find out more below.

Crowd gathered around s sports car with a banner showing "Join the pact" outside of a train station
Passengers walking past Sky advertising in a station

In-station advertising

We partner with JCDecaux to offer a hugely diverse portfolio of digital, print and immersive advertising spaces in our managed stations. 

For more information, please visit JCDecaux’s website​ or contact the team here.

Dairy Milk exhibition taking place in a station

Promotional exhibition spaces

With millions of journeys made daily, one of the best ways to reach your audience is directly in our stations by providing experiential events and activities. We work with SpaceandPeople to provide exhibition spaces in
every station.

To find out more, please visit SpaceandPeople’s website or email the team at

Advertising boards outside a station

Roadside advertising

Across our wide property portfolio, we have approximately 2,200 roadside billboards which are managed by Global – these include digital displays, as well as traditional advertising formats. Recently revamped, these sites offer brands many backlit advertising sites in high-profile city locations.

To find out more, please visit Global’s website.

Advertising banners placed on ticket gates

Ticket gates

Ticket gate advertising is a great opportunity for brands to stand out in a busy station environment, and with an estimated 186 million impacts on a two-week campaign in a London station, it’s a great way to be seen!

Find out more about how it works by visiting t4media’s website.