ORR publications on PR13

The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) has published various documents in relation to the 2013 Periodic Review – here are our responses

The ORR’s documents on PR13 can be downloaded from the ORR website.

Access charges

ORR sets the access charging objectives and framework and leads on the development of new access charges.

Control Period 5 implementation

In finalising the periodic review process and to implement its determinations, the ORR will make both contractual and licence changes.

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Ahead of its consultation on proposed contractual and licence changes, the ORR issued an industry letter which discussed a potential new approach to indexing access charges in Control Period 5.
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In July 2013, ORR consulted on the specific changes it proposed to make to track and station access agreements and Network Rail’s licence to implement the 2013 periodic review – this reflected the proposed policy conclusions set out in the Draft Determination.
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In September 2013, the ORR consulted on its proposed changes to charter track access agreements, reflecting its draft conclusions on the structure of charges and Schedule 8 performance regime for charter operators.

Financial framework

As part of the periodic review, ORR sets our financial framework for the forthcoming control period. The financial framework includes risk and uncertainty, cost of capital issues and RAB related issues.

Incentives framework

As part of the Periodic Review, ORR sets our incentives framework for the forthcoming control period.

Incentive frameworks include efficiency sharing mechanisms, the volume incentive, contractual incentives (such as the possessions and performance regime) and financial framework incentives amongst others.

Schedules 4 and 8

The ORR is seeking industry views on Schedules 4 and 8, which set out compensation arrangements for the financial impact of planned and unplanned rail service disruptions attributable to Network Rail or other train operators.

On 13 December 2012, we held a workshop on Schedule 8 payment rates. Workshop slides (PDF, December 2012)