CP7 access charges

The access charges for Control Period 7 (CP7) apply from 01 April 2024 to 31 March 2029.

These price lists are consistent with the Office of Rail and Road’s (ORR) final determination for CP7 and are referenced in track and station access contracts. We publish annual updates to the prices lists to reflect inflation. Price lists uplifted for CPI will be published on this page in March of each year.

Price Lists updated to reflect inflation

ORR expressed its final determination in 2023/24 prices, and we have since updated the price lists to reflect inflation. These apply from 1 April each year.

2025/26 price lists

Previous price lists

CP7 access charges

The CP7 access charges below are expressed in 2023/24 prices, consistent with ORR’s final determination.

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Station charges payable by Station Facility Owners and beneficiaries of Managed Stations
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Payable by specified passenger operators only
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This includes: Variable usage charge rates payable by passenger, freight and charter operators – Electrification asset usage charge payable by passenger, freight and charter operators – Freight specific charge payable by freight operators carrying ESI coal, ESI biomass, iron ore and spent nuclear fuel – Slot charge payable by charter operators
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Payable by open access operators only
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Traction electricity consumption rates used in the calculation of the traction electricity charge payable by passenger, freight and charter operators
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Payable by those specified and open access passenger operators who have opted to pay the ACS

Supporting documents

VUC policy and application documents

Ride Force Count Software

Software for freight operators to calculate Ride Force Count values to be entered into the CP7 VUC calculator.

EC4T Charter and Freight Tariffs

2024/25 tariff letters