How to get involved in community rail
All the information you need to get involved with community rail.

Finding a group in your area
The Community Rail Network publishes a map of its members, across England, Scotland, and Wales.
Community Rail Partnerships
Community rail partnerships (CRPs) are the backbone of the community rail movement. They bring together local groups and partners along railway lines to work with industry. And deliver a range of community engagement and promotional activities. They promote understanding of the importance of local railways. For exmaple, improving mobility and sustainable travel. As well as community cohesion and wellbeing, and social and economic development.
Find your local CRP through Community Rail Network’s map of members.
If you are considering setting up a new CRP, please contact Community Rail Network for advice and guidance.
Station adoption
Station adoption groups make their stations welcoming, pleasant and attractive places. Often their work extends beyond basic upkeep. They incorporate community gardening and food growing, and local arts projects. As well as workshops and visits with children and young people.
Most railway stations are leased to train operating companies (TOCs) and then managed by them.
Where a station is managed by a specific TOC, that TOC should be your first point of contact. They will be able to give guidance on what activities a group can undertake.
You can find a map of TOC operational areas and contact details on the National Rail Enquiries website. Contact details for TOCs are provided on their websites.
We also manage some of the biggest and busiest stations in Great Britain. View our managed stations here. Please contact us directly about:
- Station adoption at our managed stations
- Land, buildings, or infrastructure that is not covered by a train operating company lease
What to do if you want to start a community rail project
The rail industry and its regulatory framework can appear complicated. Start your community rail activities with the support of your local train operating company (TOC).
Please visit the TOC’s website for a communities or community rail page. Or contact the operator directly and ask to speak to your local community rail manager.
You can find a map of TOC operational areas and contact details on National Rail Enquiries.
Community Rail Network provide extra supporting guidance. You can find out more on their website.