At school
Hello there – welcome to our information page for those at school.
We think trains and railways are awesome, and that’s why we need girls and boys at school today to learn about science, maths and technology – so that you can help us to invent and design the railways of the future.

We’ve got some great fun facts about our railways –
For example, did you know that the first trains over 200 years ago, were pulled by horses?

Did you know that there’s a very famous railway in one of the Harry Potter films?

But here’s the exciting bit – did you know that your science, maths and technology classes mean that you could be an inventor or engineer in the future – and you could design awesome railways and trains?
Thousands of people think that the railway is a great place to work and there are some fun facts you can find out yourself about by watching our film below.
Watch our video to learn about the new innovations engineers have been creating.
Here’s Maddie Moate on a recent visit to one of our exciting Rail Innovation Development Centres – where we come up with lots of new ideas to improve the railways.
You may recognise Maddie from CBeebies and lots of other programmes.

Although the railway has been around nearly 200 years you could design the awesome railways and trains we need in the future!
Download our guide to #awesomerailways