A split second is all it takes

Our latest film shows just how dangerous it can be to trespass on the railway.

Trespass on the railway has seen spikes throughout the pandemic and with dark evenings, there’s a temptation for would be trespassers to take a particular risk to create graffiti on and around the railway.

Trespassing to create graffiti is incredibly dangerous and can lead to train delays, especially if people go onto the tracks.

In many places, trains are powered by overhead wires carrying 25,000 volts of electricity.

It’s a seriously dangerous place to be.

Always stay off the tracks.

There are fines of up to £1,000 for trespassing on the railway.

If you see someone on the railway, please call the British Transport Police on 0800 40 50 40 or dial 999.

Useful links