Step Free Access for East Grinstead station

East Grinstead Station became step-free in Autumn 2022

We are managing and delivering station accessibility enhancements as part of the Department for Transport’s Access for All programme between November 2021 through to completion in Autumn 2022.

Platform at East Grinstead station

The investment of £4.6m at East Grinstead means that the station now has step free access for the first time, making it much easier to use for passengers with accessibility needs, luggage and pushchairs.

What work have we done?

  • We’ve installed a new footbridge and two new lifts, providing step free between both platforms
  • Tactile pavement has been installed along both platforms to improve use for passengers with visual impairment.
  • We’ve installed new CCTV cameras

The new footbridge, lifts and stair structure is of a high-quality design which is in keeping with the station design and surrounding landscape.

New footbridge being installed

More information

If you have any other questions or concerns, please telephone our 24-Hour National Helpline on 03457 114 141.