Delay Attribution Board

Delay Attribution Board

A resource which practitioners can use to access information on the rules that govern the Rail Industry’s Delay Attribution process, as well as information on recent Board activities and contact details.

The Delay Attribution Board is an industry body that is established under the auspices of the Network Code to ‘Lead, Monitor and Advise’ the Rail Industry on the attribution of train delays and cancellations.

Our Mission Statement is ‘To develop, through collaboration with Industry parties, a process and system for delay attribution that will lead to continuous improvement in train performance.’

Although this resource is supported by Network Rail, the Board is an independent Industry body. It consists of representatives from both Network Rail and Train Operators and is led by an independent Chair, all of whom provide a wealth of knowledge and experience from across the Rail Industry.

Please find links to current Board publications below. Archive versions of previous documents are available upon request.

Delay Attribution Principles and Rules (DAPR)

The document that explains the purpose of Delay Attribution and the Board, along with rules for attribution including the causation codes to be used when explaining given causes of delay. The Document is generally reissued biannually, in April and September.

Performance Data Accuracy Code (PDAC)

The standards for monitoring train performance including procedures for managing change.

DAB Meeting Dates

Process and Guidance Documents

Documents that provide additional information on certain elements of the attribution process to support the DAPR and expand on areas that cannot easily be captured within it.

Guidance Notes

Records of historic Requests for Guidance that have been brought to the Board for consideration and the advice provided by the Board.

Latest Annual Report

Commentary on the Board’s activities during the previous calendar year. Usually issued in January.

Template Submission Forms

Forms that parties should use to submit Proposals for Change to the DAPR, Requests for Guidance to the Board on attribution issues and requests to change to the characteristics of delay recording points (RPCR forms) respectively.

Other Useful Documentation

DAB Contact Details

Leading, Monitoring and Advising the Rail Industry on the attribution of train delay
– to help drive improvements to train performance across the GB national network .